November 05, 2008

Stop - Hey what's that sound?

Thought I heard a hissing sound today.

Turned out it was the world giving a sigh of relief. Yes, we are losing the village idiot.
Better still, a promising character takes his place.

Much to my astonishment most if not all newspapers headline that he is a BLACK man. I thought we were all beyond that already since Rosa Parks, since Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, since... I won't elaborate about it though. Let's just hope for the best now. If there was one thing these last eight years didn't allow us it was hope.

Many thanks to my American friends who did the right thing.



November 01, 2008

The loudness war

The music being played sucks, but this is a good illustration of what's been going on in the record industry these last 10 years. It's mostly commercial music that suffers this (the kind that needs a lot of radio play to drive sales - they feel they need to make it sound louder in order to get it into people's heads), but the phenomena bleeds into other genres as well.

Rolling Stone magazine wrote an article about it as well.

The loudness war is killing music. Resist!

You can do your part and sign the petition petition.